Community building requires community healing. And what does that look like?

"Staying ‘home’ and not venturing out from our own group comes from woundedness, and stagnates our growth. To bridge means loosening our borders, not closing off to others….To bridge is to attempt community, and for that we must risk being open to personal, political, and spiritual intimacy, to risk being wounded."- Gloria Anzaldua

"Quedarse en la casa'' y no aventurarse fuera de nuestro propio grupo viene donde estamos heridos y proviene nuestro crecimiento. Para hacer puentes signifa que abriemos mas de nuestras fronteras y que no cierremos a otros… Para hacer puentes es intentar comunidad, y para eso tenemos que corre el riesgo de ser abierto a personal, político y espiritual intimidad, a correr el riesgo de ser heridos. "
Gloria Anzaldua

Everybody is waiting for the movement to happen ! And we dont realize we are the movement. Its me and you coming together and having some honest and maybe painful truthtelling between us. But there is probably some beautiful thing we will create together as a result. I want to speak to each person in my community.Let's get the party going.

Todo el mundo está esperando a que el movimiento a ocurrir! Y nosotros no darse cuenta de que somos el movimiento. Comienza la communidad cuando usted y yo tienemos algunos conversaciones doloroso pero verdarosos . Pero es probable que algunos bellos cosas que es probablemente vamos a crear juntos . Quiero hablar con cada person en mi communidad.Vamos a comienzar esta fiesta !

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Eliminating the Hurts of White Racism by Patty Wipfler

Racism is one of the key issues in our world today. The economic and cultural domination of people of Caucasian descent over people of color has infected cultures the world over. People of color of varying races and backgrounds must contend, in general, with fewer resources and more limited access to power over their environments than white people. They also must do battle with disrespectful and limiting stereotypes about them that are passed down from generation to generation among people of the dominant culture. We parents have an opportunity to preserve our children's interest and delight in people whose skin color and culture may differ from theirs. To make the best of this opportunity, we can begin by widening our view of who is hurt by racism. In this article, I'm not going to talk about the deep damage racism does to people of color. There are numerous excellent books and resources on this subject. This article is a quick introduction to the perspective that racism hurts white people, too.
White people world-wide have been hurt by white racism, a conditioning which limits their lives and locks them into the oppressor role vis-a-vis people of color. No white person ever volunteered to become a racist. These patterns of hurt and fear are set in place when they are quite young, after they have been intimidated and attacked by adults many times to teach them "their place" as children.
Children know instinctively that each person deserves respect. But when they see the people they love acting out patterns of white racism, they are generally unable to speak up or change the situation. They must collude with it in order to keep their parents' favor. The racist actions of adults stick in the child's mind, and become patterns of behavior which they themselves fall into when they are upset or afraid.
Each white person gets hurt by white racism in a unique way, through unique incidents. But the larger societal pattern, which plays itself out in individuals' lives and actions, has these main aspects to it. First, racism has as its backbone the economic oppression of people of color. Racism prevents white people from getting accurate information about other people, and makes white people afraid of great numbers of people. White people are also severely isolated by racism. It corrals them into a very narrow world, the boundaries of which are enforced by an automatic, unthinking "we are better than" or "we don't go near" attitude which flares any time a white person is afraid.
White people can help each other get free of racist patterns and habits of thinking. Listening and decision are the keys to the cell door. The listener's main job is to lift feelings of guilt around racism, so that the emotional tension (crying, laughter, trembling and perspiring) that keeps racist behavior in place can drain. Every white person feels guilty about times he/she has failed to interrupt racist behavior. That guilt prevents people from seeing their own ultimate goodness enough to cry and rage about being trapped in racist patterns. Decision to act outside racist isolation is also vital to getting free, and so goals need to be set in listening sessions, to help the person chart a less confined life.
This is a series of drawings that illustrate how patterns of racism get set in, and how we can help each other to eliminate those patterns.

The oppression of children forces them to witness and collude with white racism.When afraid, the child rehearses the mis-information, isolation, and "better-than" patterns he or she has witnessed.

The patterned behavior sticks to the child.

Feelings of guilt and helplessness keep the person from looking honestly at the fear underlying the pattern of racism.

When the listener encourages the person to notice that she is good, and never wanted to hurt anyone, the lid of guilt lifts and the person is able to laugh, cry, tremble, talk about her life, and to set goals for breaking out of racist confines. Here are some of the things we encourage white people to talk about in listening partnerships and groups, where they can get good listening and begin the process of building richer lives for themselves and their families. Remember to stick with any thought or direction that allows a person to laugh, cry, tremble, perspire, rage, or yawn. This is the undoing of the emotional tension that has nailed a racist pattern onto a loving person.
What is great, and what is hard about your own heritage? How have you been oppressed?
Take a direction of absolute pride in yourself and the people you come from.
What are your earliest experiences with people of color? Tell all the details you remember.
Take full power to get things right in any early incidents in which you were passive witness to racism. Speak up, from your heart.
Talk about the times you've interrupted white racism, or wanted to.
Talk about the details of making friends and good relationships with people of color in your present life. What's great about your friendships? What are you afraid of? Embarrassed about? Worried about?
Set goals. What will you do to act outside the confines of white racism?

For further information, we recommend the book Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for Racial Justice, by Paul Kivel, New Society Press.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Our Movements and the Intersectionalities of Oppressions

Our Movements and the Intersectionalities of Oppressions

Blessings to all. I hope this message finds you with eagerness to keep on struggling and striving to end and prevent Men’s Violence Against Women, Children, and Others. For several years, I have been educated and reeducated, stressed and determined to find, create, and nurture solutions. Guided by the Women’s Movement, Civil Rights Movement, United Farmworkers Movement, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered Movement, and the American Indian Movement, I am continually inspired by Survivors of Men’s Violence Against Women, Children, and Others to be a social change agent from the inside out. Those who I have been privileged to dialogue with, read about, and learn from have mainly been Women in movements addressing oppressions or the “ism”. These “isms” include and are not limited to: sexism, racism, classism, ageism and all other unfair situations, states, systems, and processes which are the roots of our social brokenness.
As a recognized male ally, I was blessed to quickly realize a fundamental reality. The struggles for equality and collective healing of Women of Color are related to my own societal conditioning supporting Men’s Violence Against Women, Children, and Others. But even more, their struggles are connected to my healing. While some men in the Movement to End and Prevent Men’s Violence Against Women, Children, and Others may believe their simple awareness to address this epidemic means they have some how “arrived,” it is quite the opposite for me. For numerous years, guided by dozens of Sisters and Brothers and other loved ones, I have come to know that men’s work -- my work -- within the Women’s Movements is a process.
For those who do not know me, I am a Chicano from Deep South Tejas (Texas). I am a Survivor of many oppressive situations and systems, some of which I have bought into as a man in a male-dominated society. My successes and challenges have molded me and continue to mold me into a passionate Community Activist destined to end and prevent oppressions. Sincerely, I am blessed to be given this level of consciousness and even more thankful to the many Women and Men of various walks of life who have so graciously entrusted me with tools. Tools I use every day to stop and prevent myself from being part of the problem. These assets include cultivating my spiritual life, checking in with my circle of accountability, committing to be proactive for and with my local community, and remaining vigilant to connecting our work with all work to end oppression. We have been dealing with basic Human Rights and we can not overcomplicate the solutions since this has prevented us from realizing how we, as people, have many more similarities than we have differences.
For those of you who do know me well. To that end, you are aware that my spiritual journey has and will continue to be challenging. During this path, I have run into thick walls as I have wrestled to redefine my manhood and find out what it truly means once layers of societal conditioning are taken away. For years, I have been part of solutions to end and prevent Men’s Violence Against Women, Children, and Others and today I can say wholeheartedly I have been guided here. Even though I have run into self-imposed and societal barriers, I have not gone around them. I have made a conscious decision to listen carefully to my elders, find out the root causes of my choices and actions, and commit not to make those choices or actions. I have gently been making the daily decision to choose nonviolence with help from loved ones. I must constantly dialogue with them and my community to continue my path of advocacy for the women who are most affected.
With this in mind, I am very concerned about the accuracy and precision of many of today’s solutions to end and prevent Men’s Violence Against Women, Children, and Others. Furthermore, I am worried about how difficult it is for others to stretch and connect the aforementioned movements to end and prevent oppressions to our work. If we are to sincerely engage in primary prevention efforts, we must be very open to studying the intersectionality of oppressions. You may have read the newspaper article, “America is Changed, but Falls Short of Martin Luther King's Vision of Justice” ( I shared on March 20, 2008, the 40th Anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., or an essay I wrote entitled “People of Color, and The Color of Love” (, published by Voice Male. The newspaper article spoke about where we are as a country in fulfilling the dreams of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and every person that worked with him and around him to provide human rights. In my essay, I spoke about the importance of self-identity by saying we must “resist being defined only by our color, whatever that color may be.” I also indicated, “The grassroots are growing and sending you a message. . . . I am confident the movement will reach out welcoming arms to those of us who know they are more than a "colored person" drinking from one water fountain or the other. Let us all drink from the same fountain… the color of love.”
I have been struggling and striving to connect other oppressions to our work of ending and preventing Men’s Violence Against Women, Children, and Others. To end and prevent Men’s Violence Against Women, Children, and Others, we must talk about the root causes. Am I asking for too much? Webster defines the word “radical” as “of or relating to the origin.” Nonetheless, some people see “radical” as a bad word. What is so bad about getting to the origin of Men’s Violence Against Women, Children, and Others? Imagine what that would look and feel like…wow talk about bliss!
My Grandmas, Aunties, and Sisters of Color are still suffering and crying out in different ways, inside and outside of our shelters and crisis centers. They are the ones most affected by oppressions like Men’s Violence Against Women, Children, and Others. How many e-listserves, conference calls, and trainings the half-day before national conferences do we need before we realize how simple our solutions are? Please do not misunderstand me. The foundation of my work has been built by Women who have blessed me by sharing their herstory. Indeed, I have been guided by national leaders in our movements, and I overstand the importance of e-listserves, conference calls, and trainings, and conferences. It is the content of these methodologies to End Men’s Violence Against Women, Children, and Others that concerns me. Programs, initiatives, and projects are now burdened with extensive outcome measures, complicated technical systems, requirements to have degreed professionals, structured curricula, and other "red tape."
I am very grateful for my loved ones, especially my blessed Mom and other Women of Color who have inspired me and are now telling me I am in a position to identify these truths. Furthermore, I am now in a place in which I know I am qualified to take these conversations into community arenas so that we start building our solutions sooner rather than later. Through personal work, higher education, and professional development, I have come to earn the following titles: Family Violence Program Assistant, Sexual Assault Project Coordinator, Community Organizer-Prevention Specialist, Managing Director, and Male Group Co-Facilitator. Since 2003, I have been a consultant for national organizations at the forefront to end and prevent Men’s Violence Against Women, Children, and Others. While remarkable in their own way, none of the above titles have given me the insight, solid foundation, and, most importantly, the blessings to assert my qualifications to end and prevent injustices than the Women of Color I have been guided by. In the arduous, ongoing process of self-restoration, informed by loved Women of Color, I have come face-to-face with the unabashed reality of Men’s Violence Against Women, Children, and Others. I am humbled and eager to take these conversations into the necessary community arenas so we can collectively begin our solutions sooner rather than later.
Today, I humbly declare I am prepared and very willing to share more in-depth the blessed gifts my Creator has given me. Since Sisters and Brothers from New York to California and South Tejas to South Dakota have been teaching me, it is time for me to be more available to you and others. As some of you know, I love and am fed by supporting others as we strive to self-reflect, dialogue, organize, and nurture solutions to end and prevent Men’s Violence Against Women, Children, and Others.
Personally, I continue to self-reflect, dialogue, organize, and nurture solutions to end and prevent Men’s Violence Against Women, Children and Other Marginalized Communities every day. I accept I am far from perfect. I am a “spiritual being having human experiences.” In my work as a Community Activist and now Co-Founder of Boundless: Con Amor y Paz, I will continue to be learning and unlearning and sharing widely what I discover to create and promote peace within our selves, homes, communities, and our country.
In January 2006, I was hired to be part of a revolutionary grassroots project. This was a dream come true since I had been preparing for a project like this for several years. We, two Community Organizers and a Community Organizing Coordinator, were charged with connecting with “traditionally marginalized communities” and work via Grassroots Community Organizing tactics.
For the next sixteen months, we traveled across the expansive state and instead of inviting people to the table, we went to their forsaken wards, underserved community centers, and blessed but struggling places of worship. We were very successful in less than eight months. We asked people, especially Survivors, what they were doing to stop Domestic Violence and what they knew was not working. They gave us extremely helpful details. We gave them tools: how-to information, action planning, books, DVDs, other written materials, micro-grants, and proactive technical assistance.
Fast forward – many more people, groups, and organizations invited us to their tables. We were supporting them with pretty much everything and anything they needed. Two groups of community members in particular touched me and continue to move me. They have overcome a lot of depressing situations which have changed the dynamics of their groups, but they remain eager to do the work to end and prevent Men’s Violence Against Women, Children, and Others in three nations and three languages. These are the Migrant Farmworkers turned Advocates for Survivors who in 2002 showed me who I am and what I need to remain sharing and promoting, Grassroots Community Organizing.
This IS a solution to Men’s Violence Against Women, Children, and Others including sexism, racism, classism, ageism and all oppression. It is simple. Our people, groups, collectives, and organizations are on the ground, desperate for Grassroots Community Organizers like you and me. Are you ready for them? Do you want to get ready? Let’s do this for ourselves, our neighborhoods, our communities, and our movements. An empowered Hip-Hop Artist recently said, “No matter how hard they try, they can’t stop us now.”

Edited by several Sister and Brothers in our Movements especially Juan Cardoza-Oquendo, a youthful and
highly skilled Puerto Rican living in Decatur, GA.

We encourage the reproduction of this document, but ask that you please acknowledge
Boundless: Con Amor y Paz

Saturday, July 12, 2008


"I'm very much afraid of this 'Foundation Complex.' We're getting praise from places that worry me."
-Ella Baker, June 1963

"I want us all to be real creative about our tactics and strategies to dismantle the empire."
- Joo-Hyun Kang, The Revolution Will Not Be Funded Conference, 2004


In this landmark collection, over 25 activists and scholars describe and discuss the non-profit industrial complex (NPIC)—a system of relationships between the state, the owning classes, foundations, and social service & social justice organizations that results in the surveillance, control, derailment, and everyday management of political movements.
Naming what some might call “the elephant in the room,” the contributors to this groundbreaking and thought-provoking collection critical assess the NPIC’s impact on the practice and imagination of the political left in the U.S. Of central concern is the emerging dominance of the 501(c)(3) non-profit, a model which some argue threatens to permanently eclipse autonomous grassroots-movement building in the arena of social justice.The Revolution Will Not Be Funded addresses the following questions:
What is the history of the non-profit model? What drove its development? How does it impact the form and direction of social justice organizing?
How has reliance on foundation funding impacted the course of social justice movements?
How does 501(c)3 non-profit status impact social justice organizations' relationship to the state?
How does non-profit status allow the state to co-opt and control our movements?
Are there ways the non-profit model can be used subversively to support more radical visions for social change?
What are the alternatives for building viable social justice movements? How do we resource our movements outside the non-profit structure?
What models for organizing outside the NGO/non-profit model exist outside the U.S. that may help us?
INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence is a national activist organization of radical feminists of color advancing a movement to end violence against women of color and their communities through direct action, critical dialogue, and grassroots organizing. To learn more, please visit
Available in April 2007 978-0-89608-766-8 paper 272 pages $18


The Revolution Will Not Be Funded is available from South End Press.

Introduction: The Revolution Will Not Be Funded, by Andrea Smith

Part One: The Rise of the Non-Profit Industrial Complex

1. The Political Logic of the Non-Profit Industrial Complex, by Dylan Rodríguez
2. In The Shadow of the Shadow State, by Ruth Wilson Gilmore
3. From Black Awakening in Capitalist America, by Robert L. Allen
4. Democratizing American Philanthropy, by Christine E. Ahn

Part Two: Non-Profits and Global Organizing
5. The Filth on Philanthropy: Progressive Philanthropy’s Agenda to Misdirect Social Justice Movements and the Just Redistribution of Wealth and Power, by Tiffany Lethabo King and Ewuare Osayande
6. Between Radical Theory and Community Praxis: Reflections on Organizing and the Non-Profit Industrial Complex, by Amara H. Pérez, Sisters in Action for Power
7. Native Organizing Before the Non-Profit Industrial Complex, by Madonna Thunder Hawk
8. Fundraising Is Not a Dirty Word: Community-Based Economic Strategies for the Long Haul, by Stephanie Guilloud and William Cordery, Project South: Institute for the Elimination of Poverty and Genocide
9. “we were never meant to survive”: Fighting Violence Against Women and the Fourth World War, by Ana Clarissa Rojas Durazo
10. Social Service or Social Change?, by Paul Kivel
11. Pursuing a Radical Anti-Violence Agenda Inside/Outside a Non-Profit Structure, by Alisa Bierria, Communities Against Rape and Abuse (CARA)
12. The NGOization of the Palestine Liberation Movement: Interviews with Hatem Bazian, Noura Erekat, Atef Said, and Zeina Zaatari, by Andrea Smith

Part Three: Reformulating The Role of Non-Profits
13. Radical Social Change: Searching for a New Foundation, by Adjoa Florência Jones de Almeida
14. Are the Cops in Our Heads and Hearts?, by Paula X. Rojas
15. Non-Profits and the Autonomous Grassroots, by Eric Tang
16. On Our Own Terms: Ten Years of Radical Community Building with Sista II Sista, by Nicole Burrowes, Morgan Cousins, Paula X. Rojas, and Ije Ude

Friday, July 11, 2008

2008 Republican National Convention Committee on Arrangements :: 2008 Republican National Convention Expands Outreach to Hispanics - (their website ge

The 2008 Republican National Convention today announced the launch of the Spanish language section of its official convention Web site. The Spanish section,, will feature Spanish versions of convention information, fact sheets and press releases. The section will feature regular updates in Spanish leading up to and during the 2008 Republican National Convention.
(Logo: )
“The launch of the Spanish-language section of our Web site is another important step toward creating a fully interactive online community to engage millions around the country,” said convention President & CEO Maria Cino. “It is our goal to carry the Republican Party’s message to all communities, so they may experience Sen. John McCain’s extraordinary leadership and his positive vision for America.”
As part of its outreach to Hispanics, the convention also announced today two new hires who will engage media leading up to and during the four-day event. Joanna Burgos will serve as Press Secretary and will lead the convention’s press operation for national media. Burgos previously served in various communications positions at the U.S. Departments of Commerce and Homeland Security. She is a fluent Spanish speaker and native of Miami.
Yohana de la Torre will serve as Deputy Press Secretary for Specialty Media and will oversee outreach to several constituencies, including Spanish-language media. Also a fluent Spanish speaker and native of Miami, de la Torre is currently owner and managing editor of the Gulf Coast Times in Fort Myers, Fla. She previously served as a communications specialist for Sen. Mel Martinez (R-FL) and at the Republican National Committee.
For the first time ever, and in conjunction with its Official Live Video Streaming Provider Ustream.TV, the convention will stream live gavel-to-gavel coverage in Spanish on its Web site: As has been done in the past, the convention proceedings translated into Spanish will be available free of charge via satellite on the second audio path (SAP).
Oprima aqui para leer en espanol:
About the Republican National Convention The 2008 Republican National Convention will be held at Saint Paul’s Xcel Energy Center from Sept. 1-4, 2008. Approximately 45,000 delegates, alternate delegates, volunteers, members of the media and other guests are expected to attend the convention. Minneapolis-Saint Paul is expected to receive an estimated $150-$160 million positive economic boost from the four-day event. For more information about the 2008 Republican National Convention, please visit our website at and join our social network sites on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and YouTube.Website: ” title=”\”*
” class=”autohyperlink” target=”_blank”>”*

*From: http://sev.prnewswire.comTraducido: usando Google o Altavista/Babel Fish

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Unos ideas de Movimiento desde San Antonio Tejas / SOME MOVEMENT IDEAS FROM SAN ANTONIO TEXAS

**Free Speech Coalition Meeting
Tuesday, July 8 @ 6:30pm
at Esperanza

Fifty Coalition members attended the press conference and hearing last
Tuesday, where we updated Judge Rodriguez on the status of our case,
including the delay in receiving the SAPD's Standard Operating
Procedures, and held a press conference which included the first public
performance of our Teatro Callejero group.
* * <#BetitaMartinez>

Tuesday, July 8th at 6:30pm
at Esperanza Peace and Justice Center
922 San Pedro Ave. @ Evergreen
In the last week, the City has filed to have the injunction against the
marching ordinance lifted, meaning that people in San Antonio will again
be required by the City to pay for our right to hold political marches
in the streets.

At this meeting, we will continue to plan and coordinate the work of the
many committees that have formed as a part of the Free Speech Coalition,

1. *Cafecitos Committee* - coordinating informative meetings in people's
2. *Teatro Callejero Committee* - creating and performing short skits to
get the word out to the larger community about the unjust marching
ordinance and efforts to repeal it
3. *Research Committee* - assisting in necessary research for lawsuit
and media plans
4. *Media Committee* - Writing letters to the editor, getting national
media contacts, writing press releases, and creating alternative media
such as YouTube videos

We are going strong and need to continue to work in preparation for the
November hearing, and toward our long-term vision of connecting the
Marching Ordinance to the many other violations of civil and human
rights we are facing, and to the commodification of public spaces in
general - not just the streets, but the schools, the prisons, the
aquifers, and even the spaces of our minds and bodies.

Bring your ideas, skills, and commitment to spread the word about this
issue throughout the San Antonio, South Texas, national, and
international community. For an update on the status of the Int'l
Woman's Day & Free Speech Coalition vs. City of San Antonio case, visit

** La libertad de expresión coalición reunión
Martes, 8 de julio @ 6:30 pm
a Esperanza
Cincuenta miembros de la Coalición asistieron a la conferencia de prensa y última audiencia Martes, en el que el magistrado Rodríguez actualizado sobre la situación de nuestro caso, incluidos el retraso en la recepción de la SAPD del estándar de funcionamiento Procedimientos, y celebró una conferencia de prensa que incluyó el primer público desempeño de nuestro grupo de Teatro Callejero.
* * <# BetitaMartinez>

EE.UU. se unan en la próxima reunión de coalición
Martes, 8 de Julio a las 6:30 pm
a Esperanza Paz y el Centro de Justicia
922 San Pedro Ave. @ Evergreen

En la última semana, la ciudad ha presentado a tener la acción de cesación contra las marchando ordenanza levantarse, lo que significa que la gente en San Antonio de nuevo se requerirá de la ciudad a pagar por nuestro derecho a celebrar marchas políticas en las calles.

En esta sesión, vamos a seguir para planificar y coordinar la labor de la
muchas comisiones que han formado como parte de la Free Speech Coalition,
entre ellos:

1. * * Cafecitos Comisión - la coordinación de reuniones informativas en los pueblos hogares
2. * Teatro Callejero Comisión * - la creación y la realización de parodias a corto
obtener la palabra a la comunidad en general acerca de la injusta marchando
ordenanza y los esfuerzos para derogarla
3. * Comité de Investigación * - ayudar en la investigación necesaria para la demanda los planes y los medios de comunicación
4. * * Comité de Medios de Comunicación - Escribir cartas al editor, consiguiendo nacional contactos de prensa, comunicados de prensa escrito, y la creación de medios alternativos tales como los vídeos de YouTube

Nosotros vamos fuerte y la necesidad de seguir trabajando en la preparación para la
Noviembre audiencia, y hacia nuestra visión de largo plazo de la conexión
Marchando a la Ordenanza de muchas otras violaciónes de los derechos civiles y humanos derechos que nos enfrentamos, ya que la mercantilización de los espacios públicos en general - no sólo las calles, pero las escuelas, las cárceles, los
acuíferos, e incluso los espacios de nuestras mentes y cuerpos.

Traiga sus ideas, habilidades y compromiso de difundir la palabra sobre este
cuestión a lo largo del San Antonio, Sur de Texas, nacionales e
comunidad internacional. Para una actualización sobre la situación de la Int'l
Woman's Day & Free Speech Coalition vs Ciudad de San Antonio, visita / freespeech.