Community building requires community healing. And what does that look like?

"Staying ‘home’ and not venturing out from our own group comes from woundedness, and stagnates our growth. To bridge means loosening our borders, not closing off to others….To bridge is to attempt community, and for that we must risk being open to personal, political, and spiritual intimacy, to risk being wounded."- Gloria Anzaldua

"Quedarse en la casa'' y no aventurarse fuera de nuestro propio grupo viene donde estamos heridos y proviene nuestro crecimiento. Para hacer puentes signifa que abriemos mas de nuestras fronteras y que no cierremos a otros… Para hacer puentes es intentar comunidad, y para eso tenemos que corre el riesgo de ser abierto a personal, político y espiritual intimidad, a correr el riesgo de ser heridos. "
Gloria Anzaldua

Everybody is waiting for the movement to happen ! And we dont realize we are the movement. Its me and you coming together and having some honest and maybe painful truthtelling between us. But there is probably some beautiful thing we will create together as a result. I want to speak to each person in my community.Let's get the party going.

Todo el mundo está esperando a que el movimiento a ocurrir! Y nosotros no darse cuenta de que somos el movimiento. Comienza la communidad cuando usted y yo tienemos algunos conversaciones doloroso pero verdarosos . Pero es probable que algunos bellos cosas que es probablemente vamos a crear juntos . Quiero hablar con cada person en mi communidad.Vamos a comienzar esta fiesta !

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Greetings Family of Light

I wanted to share another reminder about tomorrow's New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse: July 22 4:58pm pacific time, Blue Crystal Storm.

It is being called the Solar Eclipse of the Century!
As Daniel Giamario writes: " When determined by length (six minutes 39 seconds) and centrality (the umbra only 275 miles north of the center of the earth) the total solar eclipse of July 21 through July 22 is rightly called the Solar Eclipse of the Century. None will surpass it until 2114." We invite you all to join in and tune in and meditate during these 6 1/2 magical minutes!
This New Moon/Solar Eclipse also aligns with the "Vayeb" which is the purification cycle on the 13-Moon Calendar that always closes the last 5 days of the year. It always spans July 21-25, and it is the time to purify the old and close the year on as high of a vibrational note as possible, paving the way for the New Year cycle to begin on July 26th, Yellow Self-existing Seed.

Also, we wanted to share these new videos featuring Dr. Jose Arguelles. We hope that they might inspire you to join us in activating the Rainbow Bridge Meditation on the Day out of Time!
(They are also on our website homepage)



Greetings Family of Light

I am sending a 2nd email out to clarify my last email -
the New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse is on Tues July 21, Blue Crystal Storm

To clarify, the partial eclipse begins at 4:58 PM pacific time
and the moment of greatest eclipse occurs at 7:35 PM pacific time,
so there is a whole window in which to cast our new moon prayers and intentions! Apparently normally a new moon impacts us for 2 weeks, but with the addition of the eclipse, its affects will ripple for about 6 months!

In UTC timezone:
Partial eclipse 23:58:18 (Jul 21)
Total eclipse 00:51:16 (Jul 22)
Central eclipse 00:54:31 (Jul 22)
Greatest eclipse 02:35:21 (Jul 22)

According to National Geographic, it may be the most viewed eclipse ever!

This alignment of the Sun and Moon can represent the connection between our Conscious and our Unconscious, as well as our Masculine/Yang and Feminine/Yin qualities. There is a link-up of people meditating starting at 7:35pm Pacific Time for the 6 1/2 minutes of totality, with the intention of balancing the Masculine and Feminine. Find out more at

It is being called the Solar Eclipse of the Century!
As Daniel Giamario writes: " When determined by length (six minutes 39 seconds) and centrality (the umbra only 275 miles north of the center of the earth) the total solar eclipse of July 21 through July 22 is rightly called the Solar Eclipse of the Century. None will surpass it until 2114."

This New Moon/Solar Eclipse also aligns with the "Vayeb" which is the purification cycle on the 13-Moon Calendar that always closes the last 5 days of the year. It always spans July 21-25, and it is the time to purify the old and close the year on as high of a vibrational note as possible, paving the way for the New Year cycle to begin on July 26th, Yellow Self-existing Seed.

We'll see you in the magic!

Many Blessings!
In Lak'ech - I am Another Yourself
Eden Sky of SkyTime