Community building requires community healing. And what does that look like?

"Staying ‘home’ and not venturing out from our own group comes from woundedness, and stagnates our growth. To bridge means loosening our borders, not closing off to others….To bridge is to attempt community, and for that we must risk being open to personal, political, and spiritual intimacy, to risk being wounded."- Gloria Anzaldua

"Quedarse en la casa'' y no aventurarse fuera de nuestro propio grupo viene donde estamos heridos y proviene nuestro crecimiento. Para hacer puentes signifa que abriemos mas de nuestras fronteras y que no cierremos a otros… Para hacer puentes es intentar comunidad, y para eso tenemos que corre el riesgo de ser abierto a personal, político y espiritual intimidad, a correr el riesgo de ser heridos. "
Gloria Anzaldua

Everybody is waiting for the movement to happen ! And we dont realize we are the movement. Its me and you coming together and having some honest and maybe painful truthtelling between us. But there is probably some beautiful thing we will create together as a result. I want to speak to each person in my community.Let's get the party going.

Todo el mundo está esperando a que el movimiento a ocurrir! Y nosotros no darse cuenta de que somos el movimiento. Comienza la communidad cuando usted y yo tienemos algunos conversaciones doloroso pero verdarosos . Pero es probable que algunos bellos cosas que es probablemente vamos a crear juntos . Quiero hablar con cada person en mi communidad.Vamos a comienzar esta fiesta !

Thursday, May 23, 2013



There comes a time when women need to take on a job of leading men and to lead men with some kind of thoughtfulness towards men in reclaiming their humanness and about being of assistance in healing the hurts all men endure.

There is way where society doesn’t think about men or just simply forgets about them. We expect men to be tough or just take it. AJUANTETE! We forget they should not be left alone. They don’t want to really be alone .

We just think they have all the power and privilege, so let them figure it out. Right ? I think if we want to end violence, we have to look at the violence that society inflicts on men, and usually its men against other men.

I believe that the men I pick to come to my class are men who long for more connectedness with another men and women. I believe this is essential and needs to be healed for men to be of any help to women and for the healing of our people. I believe this work is needed for the next generation of Nepantleros y Curanderos.

This will be a 4 week class every two weeks. At the end of the 4 weeks, we can decide what other work needs to be done and each man will take turns being the leader.

This is new frontier work and there isn’t much written unfortunately we are probably IT. I want to have lots of platicas with yall about this.

The women are excited and curious about what will happen. They should be. If Xicano men can get a movement rolling , it will freak out the gringos when our men stopping hurting each other and themselves.

What would the barrio look like if then men started supporting each other for real?

What does Brotherhood really look like?

These classes are open to men and boys.
If you wanna what is in it for me?
My sons Justin, age 11 and Joey, age 9 will be there.

For more info or questions, please FBook me, email me at or call me at 210-487-8898

Classes will be every other sat in June and July
Bring brunch food to share.

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